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getName() and getValue()

Assume that you named a slider using setName(). The name of the slider is a string that is stored as part of its data. To ask the slider for its name use:

String getName()

To get the value of the slider use

int getValue()

This returns a value between the minimum and maximum value of the slider.


Here is part of a program that has two sliders and a text field for each. Fill in the blanks so that when a slider changes its value the value is written it the correct text field.

JSlider    sliderA;
JTextField textA;
JSlider    sliderB;
JTextField textB;
public void stateChanged( ChangeEvent evt )
  JSlider source;
  source = (JSlider)evt.getSource();
  if ( source.().equals("sliderA") )
    textA.setText( source. + " " );
  if ( source.().equals("sliderB") )
    textB.setText( source. + " " );